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Pastor Jonathan Haage
Five Oaks Church, Woodbury, MN

"Steve and Michelle use the best combination of the leading marriage research, a biblical worldview, and raw authenticity to encourage you and equip you in your marriage. And it's not just reorienting your vision of marriage... they give you ridiculously practical tools for

the everyday intentionality that your marriage deserves. They really value your time by packing a lot into a short time, but leave you with the resources to reference later and continue your journey toward the marriage God desires for you!" 

“The Real Connection workshop was an incredible experience for me and my fiancée.  Steve and Michelle were knowledgeable, passionate and authentic, and they did a wonderful job of teaching us about daily connections and faith-centered routines.  I loved our breakout groups where we could actually apply what we learned and truly connect with one another.  Real Connection was exactly the way I wanted to begin this journey with my future wife.  This is the

perfect workshop to grow a Christ-centered relationship and we are so thankful to Steve and Michelle for putting this together."

Zac and Caroline
Lake Elmo, MN


Workshop Attendee
A Client of Steve's (used with permission)

"I loved the conference this last weekend! I really appreciate all the hard work and thought that you guys put into preparing for it. That information is literally life-changing, and I am so excited that all of those people got to experience it. And I know what you're going to say, Steve, 'We've talked about all of these things before.'  And you're not wrong. We absolutely have talked about those things before in sessions, but for some reason, I feel like it made sense in a whole new way, and it was able to sink in better and stick for lasting change. I also loved being able to stop and practice those skills right away. It gave me realistic ideas on how to put the concepts into everyday life...I wish it could have been a longer day!"

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