Real Connection
Helping to build stronger, healthier, and happier marriages
that get real and stay connected!
What do we do?
We conduct game-changing marriage workshops at churches. We accomplish this in
4 hours rather than sacrificing an entire weekend. By combining God's word, material from The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and our professional and personal experiences, we help couples create amazing marriages.
We know what it's like to struggle and feel depleted at times. Most couples can relate to going through challenging times, and some have experienced continuous seasons of strife. That's why we are excited to share what we’ve learned because this workshop can help improve and even transform marriages!
During our marriage workshop, we...
Equip couples with new insights on how to deepen their connection and heal from pain of the past.
Teach couples how to listen and understand each other more effectively.
Provide couples with new skills on how to resolve conflict in a healthy way.
Discuss the importance of making time for date nights and having fun.
Share strategies on how to grow together emotionally & spiritually.
Give couples the opportunity to break away from the group to try out practical yet innovative communication exercises.
Close with a "Creating Routines of Connection" exercise where couples privately create a new plan of action for a stronger, healthier, happier, and more God-centered marriage.